Monday, January 30, 2012

A Tick Bit My Ass - I Think Its A Metaphor For My Life

Yes, you read that right. Yesterday, hubs, kiddo and I bundled up and went out to a local nature preserve to take pictures. Got some great photos of moss, leaves and other naturish things. I also got a tick on my ass.

Yes, a little deer tick apparently found its way inside my pants and attached itself to the underside of my right butt cheek. I guess I should be grateful it  didn't decide to burrow a little more to the left, but damn. I didn't know tick bite hurt so much!

I found it late last night (or actually early this morning) as I got ready for bed and proceeded to wake up the entire household shrieking about the tick on my ass. At least I didn't run around bare assed. Anyway, hubs got the tweezer and I bent over and grabbed my ankles while he tweezed it free. Then we splashed a little alcohol on it, I took an allergy tab and went to bed.

Only, I couldn't sleep.

See, the freaking thing hurts. Its raised and red about the size of a quarter and I'm having shooting pains up and down my leg. My ass is pulsing. I think the tick hit a nerve. Is that even possible?

If this wasn't a metaphor for how my life is going at the moment, it would be a whole lot funnier.

So, that leads me to why a tick on the ass is like my life.... today, kiddo decided college is not for him. He's not going anymore. Short of dragging him kicking and screaming to each and every class, there's no way he's going back. Yes, he has a 3.75 GPA and 2 semesters under his belt. Yes, he's damned smart. But the social stuff is killing him. So, we've endured a huge emotional upheaval over the last few days which culminated in today's decision. Now I have to call the college, tell them he's had some sort of anxiety driven breakdown and see if I can get this semester's tuition back. Fun fun.

I'm not saying my son is a pain in the ass by the way. I'm saying that trying to work around Aspergers and all the struggles and problems it presents is a pain in the ass. Life is a pain in the ass - well, my life anyway.

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